Festival da Canção 2025

Portugal hype, as always. FdC is basically always good and I don’t expect this to change this time. Well, I know it won’t change because I’ve listened to the studio versions before. So let’s see how the lives change my opinions, shall we?

Semi-Final 1

Xico Gaiato – Ai senhor!

I suppose the performance was just too theatrical to appeal to the voters. I can see why, it looks a bit too hectic. I’m also not sure how well the staging actually conveys the message of the song. Looking at the translation, there’s nothing that suggests that this is how it should look like. Therefore, the live performance leaves me a bit cold, although the song itself is still really good.

Rita Sampaio – Voltas

She has a nice voice, but the song simply lacks a wow effect. By that I mean that there’s nothing bad about it at all, but there’s nothing that grips me at all. It just goes on for three minutes and ends.

Du Nothin – Sobre nós

While the song is actually really good, I think the live performance just lacks something. In fact, I think it’s not that the staging is bad or anything - the song wouldn’t work with big props or something like that. I just think the performer lacks the charisma to sell it on stage. This is madly disappointing because I really liked the song in the studio.

Marco Rodrigues – A minha casa


Margarida Campelo – Eu sei que o amor


Josh – Tristeza


Capital da Bulgária – Lisboa

It’s a shame when great songs like this get lost in the semi-finals. It’s understandable why, though. It’s very chill and not impactful at first listen to capture the viewers’s attention. However, I really love the atmosphere this song builds. It manages to be both groovy and calm, which is very hard, but she manages to make it work. I also love the pun - her name is Sofia, and the capital of Bulgaria is also Sofia. It’s just funny, at least to me.

Bluay – Ninguém


Jéssica Pina – Calafrio


Peculiar – Adamastor

Qualified as the televote wildcard

Semi-Final 2

A cantadeira – Responso á mulher

I’ve never been disappointed about a song not qualifying since… well, actually, since Thursday, but this NF season has only been marginally less disappointing than last year.

This is exactly the kind of artsy and uncompromising stuff I expect from Portugal every year. This package doesn’t compromise itself to be more accessible. This is surely what caused it to stay in the semi-final, but whatever, it’s still great. The vocals are kinda flamenco-y but without being too grating, while the melody is awesome. The only prominent instruments are drums and bagpipes, while the rest of the melody comes from vocal harmonies, which is difficult to pull off, but this song does. So yeah, shame on you, juries/televoters/both (it’s probably both).

Tota – á-tê-xis

This song isn’t bad. I appreciate the artistic intent, but it also just doesn’t work for me. His voice is very high, which sadly puts me off the song entirely. And I don’t find the instrumental compelling enough to focus on it. I did like the staging, though.

Bombazine – Apago tudo


Emmy Curl – Rapsódia da paz


Inês Marques Lucas – Quantos queres

This was never going to qualify, but that doesn’t matter to me because I like it. The performance is quite artistic, but not in an inaccessible way. The dancers emerging from her dress does look a bit weird, though. In any case, this is a song that manages to blend several styles together. I’m not sure what it does differently compared to other songs that try to do the same, but it clearly does.

Fernando Daniel – Medo


Luca Argel feat. Pri Azevedo – Quem foi?

The song is pleasant, for sure, but it simply doesn’t go anywhere. It just meanders around a bit and ends. It’s just extremely underwhelming.

Napa – Deslocado


Diana Vilarinho – Cotovia


Henka – I Wanna Destroy U



Bombazine – Apago tudo

Opening with good vibes like this is a great choice. It immediately puts you in a great mood for the rest of the show. It really reminds me of Disko from Eurovision 2022 - another lovely chill song with good vibes. Except the staging looks a little more appealing here.

Margarida Campelo – Eu sei que o amor

Live backing vocalists for the win. I’m always happy to see singers go the extra mile and hire actual backing singers because that always elevates songs like this. And by that, I mean ballads. There’s just something so warm and inviting about a piano ballad like this, with a passionate lead vocal and live backing vocals. I just like this.

Henka – I Wanna Destroy U

This is nothing short of brilliant. Sure, this isn’t a musical style we usually associate with Portugal, but Henka performs it to perfection. She’s one of the rare singers who can easily do clean and dirty vocals without sounding bad. The lyrics are a bit cringy, but I’m willing to forgive that because the music is also great. It’s gritty, aggressive and energetic, as any song like this has to be.

Bluay – Ninguém

I found this entirely unremarkable in the studio, but it came alive on stage, especially in the semi-final. Unfortunately, he choked in the final performance a bit, which made the song a little less good. But it’s forgivable: this song is about celebrating our differences, which is personal for him, so it makes sense that he feels emotional.

Jéssica Pina – Calafrio

Some soul like this never goes amiss for me. When it comes to this song, it’s all about the performance. And luckily, it’s basically perfect for this song. I love the way the vocal and the trumpet transition between each other. This is what really makes the song really come together.

Marco Rodrigues – A minha casa

While I don’t find the song very interesting, it isn’t unpleasant at all, just a bit dull. It’s so refreshing to have no songs I actually dislike in a national final.

Napa – Deslocado

I’m of two minds about this song. On one hand, it’s lovely and enjoyable. On the other hand, it’s maybe a bit too lowkey to leave any kind of strong impression. Now, that doesn’t make it bad, of course. The lyrics are really good, for example. However, it just completely fails to stick in my mind, even after repeated listens. I kinda wish I liked it more because it’s the kind of music that usually appeals to me more.

Peculiar – Adamastor

The performance was so much better than in the semi-final. He didn’t struggle with the vocals this time, which is nice. While I don’t absolutely love it, I think it’s pretty cool. I’m happy to have it in the final.

Fernando Daniel – Medo

This is one of many songs I only started enjoying after seeing them performed live. There’s just something so warm and likeable about Fernando that makes this completely irresistible. It’s also just a very good rock ballad, not really out of character for Portugal, but a bit distinct compared to their recent entries.

Emmy Curl – Rapsódia da paz

Unfortunately, I just find the whole package messy. I appreciate the attempt to do something different, but it just never comes together for me, which is disappointing.

Josh – Tristeza

The song is great. The live performance completely fails at conveying the emotion the song actually has. The pole dancing just makes it seem like an over-the-top theatrical performance without a shred of intimacy, and ultimately completely fails to charm me. At least he was much better vocally in the final.

Diana Vilarinho – Cotovia

This! This is the song I want in Eurovision. It’s the perfect way to wrap up the Eurovision NF season. This would be the perfect representative for Portugal because it just feels so Portuguese. It’s very artsy but not pretentious at all. I also love love love love her voice. It’s very distinct in a great way. I didn’t love it at first listen, however. I found it just a little bit too hard to get into when I heard the studio version. Only seeing this live changed my mind. It’s also another song where the vocals really drive the melody, which works once again.

General thoughts

I liked FdC a little less than last year, but it was still plenty enjoyable. As usual, some of my favourites didn’t make it through the semi-finals, but at least I got to discover them at all.

The interval acts were exceptionally good. First, some of the participants of FdC 2024 performed the three Swiss winners, which was great and topical. I honestly expected more of this sort of stuff throughout the season. Iolanda was there, too, performing a remix of Grito (that was kinda even better than the original). Then they had the best interval act of the season - a band performing a lot of instrumental music, followed by a song. This wouldn’t be out of place in actual Eurovision. I wonder if this is RTP’s way of saying, “Yeah, we’re ready to host again”.

The voting was a little disappointing, on the other hand. The regional juries were definitely quite biased towards acts from their region - though this isn’t exclusive to Portugal, so whatever. At least this made the televoting sequence genuinely exciting. It wasn’t clear who’d win until the last score was revealed.


Sure, my winner didn’t win overall, but I’m still pleased with the outcome.

  1. Diana Vilarinho – Cotovia
  2. A cantadeira – Responso á mulher
  3. Capital da Bulgária – Lisboa
  4. Bombazine – Apago tudo
  5. Inês Marques Lucas – Quantos queres
  6. Henka – I Wanna Destroy U
  7. Fernando Daniel – Medo
  8. Peculiar – Adamastor
  9. Jéssica Pina – Calafrio
  10. Xico Gaiato – Ai senhor!
  11. Napa – Deslocado
  12. Margarida Campelo – Eu sei que o amor
  13. Du Nothin – Sobre nós
  14. Bluay – Ninguém
  15. Josh – Tristeza
  16. Rita Sampaio – Voltas
  17. Marco Rodrigues – A minha casa
  18. Tota – á-tê-xis
  19. Emmy Curl – Rapsódia da paz
  20. Luca Argel feat. Pri Azevedo – Quem foi?

2025 winners

  1. Albania – Zjerm
  2. Armenia – Survivor
  3. Belgium – Perfectly Imperfect
  4. Croatia – Južina
  5. Denmark – Air
  6. Estonia – Külm
  7. Finland – Aina
  8. Germany – This Bliss
  9. Greece – Sirens
  10. Iceland – Aðeins lengur
  11. Ireland – Fire
  12. Italy – Anema e core
  13. Latvia – Sadzejot
  14. Lithuania – Tavo akys
  15. Luxembourg – Stronger
  16. Malta – LalaRataTakeke LalaRataKabum
  17. Montenegro – To ljubav je
  18. Norway – Human Fire
  19. Poland – Lusterka
  20. Portugal – Cotovia
  21. Slovenia – Frederick’s Dead
  22. Spain – Raggio di Sole
  23. Sweden – Den känslan
  24. Ukraine – Sil'